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water jet precio


Q: Small waterjet cutter price?

If you want to buy a waterjet cutting machine,the price is the first consideration. Exept the price,the function, cutting effect, life of consumable water jet parts are also important. Winwin waterjet company’s water jet precio cutting machine system.


1.Why are water jet cutters so expensive?

Consumable materials alususlly are expensive.That’s a resson.

2.How much does waterjet 05116751 cutting cost? The average cost of the waterjet cutting machine can up to 20-35dollars every hour. The most of the water jet 05116751 precio cost comes from the consumable abrasive,it’s reason based on the water jet cutter head .

3.The cost about a online waterjet cutting machine?

Both laser cutting and water jet cutting are high-precision cutting methods.Winwin waterjet’s customers both have using the laser or waterjet cutting machine,especially water jet precio in the metal and glass related industries.Laser cutting has fast speed,and waterjet cutting has high thickness. The more concerned is how much water jet precio cost. The market price of laser cutting metal plates with thickness of 1cm is about 15yuan/m,with the fluctuate with different regions,the price is different.The unit price of a waterjet cutting 1cm thick metal plate is also be same as the laser cutting machine. If you let someone else process it,the effect of laser cutting is better for metal and lot high How much does water jet precio cutting cost? Average price of waterjet cutting machine often from20-35USD/hr Most of the cost comes from the consumable abrasive, and has a qualitative increase depending on the number of cutting heads and the water pressure. Now, the cost of waterjet cutting depends on a multitude of factors. The cost of consumable materials and power is not the only determining factor in this case.Even the material with which you work plays an important role.

  1. Is waterjet cutting expensive?


Yes, though the cost of waterjet cutting is high, it;s don’t for the point of being unbearable. The water jet precio reason of waterjet price is too many. There is the cost of paying an operator. Consumable materials, such as water, fuel, and abrasive material, also contribute to the total expense. That’s just gross spending. The water jet precio level of pressure also increases the cost significantly. Thicker materials require more power to cut, and it also takes more time. So yes, waterjet cutting is quite expensive.

  1. Does it depend on the cost of the material?

The waterjet can cut a large number of materials with excellent precision. Most Waterjets can use 60,000 к 90,000 PSI. The materials you work with will determine the pressure you will need to use. The waterjet can cut carbon steel, нержавеющая сталь, алюминий, титан, copper, and even glass. Different materials have different levels of resistance. You can handle most glass with 60k PSI and a normal fine abrasive. С другой стороны, things like titanium require a lot more water pressure to get the job done. More pressure means more spending. Also Read: Abrasive Waterjet Glass Cutting The natural density of the material is not the only thing that affects the cost of waterjet cutting. The thickness of the material being worked with is also a crucial factor. A standard waterjet can cut titanium up to 17 cm thick. Higher HP is generally better for thicker material because that speeds up the whole process. Increasing water jet precio HP would also increase abrasive consumption and energy consumption. Ultimately though, this is less expensive than wasting valuable material and time running it at lower HP.

  1. What are the costs of the water jet?

As I mentioned earlier, there are quite a few factors that determine the overall cost of waterjet cutting. Below I will explain each of them in detail so that you can have a rough idea of the total cost. Abrasive The abrasive is the mineral component of the mud that acts like blades in a water jet. The most used materials are sand, garnet, silicon carbide, и т. д.. The usual cost of garnet is about 25 cents per pound, and the others are around a similar range. Must Read: What materials can a water jet cut? An average waterjet uses about 3 pounds of abrasive per minute, so the cost adds up very quickly. The cost can range from $100 к $150 a day, but generally depends on how long you anticipate using the waterjet. The total cost can be as much as $50,000 a year, and that’s a modest estimate. Однако, you can recycle the abrasive material. The same abrasive can be cycled a few more times before it loses its edge. The cutting power increases with each subsequent cycle because the smaller grains have sharper edges. But they end up losing their edge after a few cycles. Although slush can be recycled, it is still more than water jet precio half the cost of using a water jet. Interchange parts The water jets go through everything with high-pressure abrasive grains. The method is effective due to concentrated pressure. Однако, pressure does not only affect the material you are cutting. Some parts of the Water Jet also suffer the force and end up wearing out. These parts must be changed frequently once they receive a certain degree of wear. The most commonly replaceable parts are the pump seals and focus tubes. The annual cost of these replacements can reach between $15,000 и $25,000. Поэтому, it is the second largest cost of using a water jet. Electricity The power consumption of a Water Jet is moderate compared to other industrial cutters. The energy consumption depends to a large extent on the material with which you work. Thick materials would require a higher consumption, since the power would have to be raised to 90. The total annual cost of running a water jet can easily reach $10,000. This is a rough estimate, but the cost of energy consumption is about 10% of the total cost of running a waterjet. 10% of the total cost is not much compared to the cost of the abrasive material. Water consumption Water is the largest consumable resource for a waterjet cutter. An average water jet uses between 0.5 и 1.5 gallons of water per minute. The amount of water consumption depends entirely on the size of the hole. Water costs about three dollars per thousand gallons on average. So your annual cost can never exceed $3,000. The cost of water consumption only represents.


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