Dump valve Seal Installation Tool 20470417

Артикул: Н/Д

A dump valve can help to improve the performance and reliability of a intensifier pump, which can be particularly beneficial in high-performance vehicles.


Dump valve Seal Installation Tool 20470417

Dump valve Seal Installation Tool 20470417

Инструменты для технического обслуживания и смазочные материалы DUMP VALVE

Элемент номер частиОписание
20470475 Набор инструментов для уплотнений, Пневматические регулирующие клапаны
120470417Инструмент для установки уплотнения
205067350Инструмент для позиционирования уплотнения, НО/НЗ клапаны, 2-Порт сбросного клапана
349833114Инструмент для позиционирования уплотнения, Быстроразъемный клапан, 3-Порт сбросного клапана
420470413Инструмент для проталкивания уплотнения
10084440Смазка для резьбы Pure Goop, 1.0 унция.
10087385Смазка ФМЛ-2, 14.5 унция.
49832199Смазка для резьбы JL-M, 16 унция.
80082191Смазка для резьбы JL-M, 15 МЛ
20487868Клей для резьбового фиксатора
20494983Грунтовка для резьбового фиксатора
10184802Оптимол, Противозадирная смазка

What are the benefits of using a dump valve in waterjet intensifier pump?


There are many benefits to using a dump valve in a waterjet intensifier pump:

Protection of the intensifier: A dump valve helps to protect the intensifier by reducing the pressure that builds up in the intake system when the throttle is closed. If this pressure is not released, it can cause damage to the intensifier pump, which can be expensive to repair or replace.

Improved throttle response: When a dump valve is installed, it allows the intensifier to work freely without the pressure buildup that occurs when the throttle is closed. This reduces lag time and improves throttle response, which can make the engine feel more responsive and improve acceleration.

Extended engine life: By reducing the pressure that builds up in the intake system, a dump valve can help to extend the life of the engine. This is because excessive pressure can cause damage to the engine components, such as the pistons, клапаны, and cylinder walls.

Better fuel economy: A dump valve can help to improve fuel economy by reducing the amount of pressure that is wasted in the intake system. This is because when the pressure is released, it does not have to be compressed again, which reduces the workload on the intensifier, and ultimately, the engine.

A dump valve can help to improve the performance and reliability of a intensifier pump, which can be particularly beneficial in high-performance vehicles. Однако, it’s important to note that the benefits of using a dump valve may vary depending on the specific application and driving conditions.



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