Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger



Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger

نام:waterjet Ceramic Plunger

Used on the WWjet 50 waterjet intensifier pump

Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger,Ceramic Piston used for Waterjet ww JET50 Pump.

Weight of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger: 0.56kg

Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger

The normal service life of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger is generally 8 years or more. We need to pay attention to and timely check the wear and tear of related parts of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger in the daily maintenance process of water jet cutting supercharger, and replace it regularly to avoid affecting 20457912 Normal service life of Ceramic Plunger.Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger

The related parts of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger are: piston, end bell, high pressure cylinder, و غیره..

Short bolck intensifier 60psi for ww jet50 intensifier pump.

Regarding this supercharger ,we have two types,the models are short bolck intensifier pump and upfraded short bolck intensifier.

Short bolck intensifier is a commonly used model,the same as the model.




Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger

The normal service life of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger is generally 8 years or more. We need to pay attention to and timely check the wear and tear of related parts of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger in the daily maintenance process of water jet cutting supercharger, and replace it regularly to avoid affecting 20457912 Normal service life of Ceramic Plunger.Waterjet Spare Parts 20457912 Ceramic Plunger

The related parts of 20457912 Ceramic Plunger are: piston, end bell, high pressure cylinder, و غیره..

Short bolck intensifier 60psi for ww jet50 intensifier pump.

Regarding this supercharger ,we have two types,the models are short bolck intensifier pump and upfraded short bolck intensifier.

Short bolck intensifier is a commonly used model,the same as the model.



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