waterjet pump parts 20464590 Flat Washer, 1.13



waterjet pump parts 20464590 Flat Washer, 1.13

The part number 20464590 refers to a flat washer used in waterjet pump systems. A flat washer is a thin, flat ring with a round shape that is often used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener, such as a bolt or screw.

In a waterjet pump system, flat washers may be used in various locations, including on the bolts that secure the pump head to the hydraulic manifold, or on the bolts that secure the oil filter bowl to the pump housing. The exact location and use of the washer may vary depending on the specific design of the pump.


In a waterjet pump system, flat washers are often used to help distribute the load of a waterjet pump parts 20464590 Flat Washer, 1.13 threaded fastener, such as a bolt or screw. By placing a flat washer between the fastener and the surface being fastened, the load is spread out over a larger area, which can help to prevent damage to the surface and reduce the risk of the fastener becoming loose over time.

When it comes to waterjet pump systems, flat washers may be used in various locations throughout the system, depending on the specific design of the pump. For example,waterjet pump parts 20464590 Flat Washer, 1.13  they may be used on the bolts that secure the pump head to the hydraulic manifold, or on the bolts that secure the oil filter bowl to the pump housing.

Flat washers are available in a variety of materials, including steel, stainless steel, and nylon. The material of the washer should be chosen based on the application and the specific requirements of the pump system.


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